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Since the establishment of volleyball as a sport in St. Mary’s College, it has only increased in popularity, prestige and success. Initially started by our very own Sr. Brigid, the school have competed in and won numerous all Ireland championships and this year is no exception. This year our spikeball teams reached the all Ireland finals, while our Cadettes successfully captured the all Ireland title in Kilkenny in January.
Volleyball is open to all students of all ages at any level of ability, and it is this inclusive model that has contributed to the fantastic success we have had over the years.
Volleyball begins in September with Cadettes and Seniors, while juniors compete in the spikeball national championships. Subsequently, once Christmas is over, we form junior volleyball squads and form a whole school cup team to compete in a cup we have won many times before.
As you can see, Volleyball never stops and it is through the fantastic support of students, parents and management, we the coaches have been able and hope to continue to have great fun and success in the sport.
Mr. Creaton and Ms. Maloney assist in Volleyball activities with the school.