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EPAS in SMCN (2020 -2021) EPAS - Newsletter May 2022
In EP Twinning with schools in the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Italy. Discussing issues such as, Covid 19, Climate Action and creating friendships.
- We raise awareness about climate problems and solutions in our own surroundings and differences between problems in different countries;
- Illustrating the need for cooperation within Europe;
- experiencing cooperation within Europe;
- stimulating research, critical thinking, as well as creativity in presenting the information; Climate (change) is an excellent example of a problem that needs cooperation between countries.
We have been researching and working on the health policy across the EU during the pandemic. We are participating in surveys across Europe eg. Can I close the window?
We have been working with a marketing company called:
to assist schools in the UK with the roll out of EPAS (European Parliament Ambassadorship for Schools) programme. This is in association with the European Parliament liaison office in the UK.
We in St Mary’s College are keen to encourage young people to become active citizens everywhere. We twin with schools in other countries, and we could do so with schools (in the UK) when they are up and running.
The students from St Mary’s (Junior Ambassadors) were described as ‘eloquent, passionate and to the point’ by the organisers.
The link to the website is:
EPAS (European Parliament Ambassadorship for Schools)
The European Parliament Ambassador School Programme (EPAS) is a network of schools across the EU raising awareness of European parliamentary democracy and European citizenship values. The programme is suitable for (16-18 years) Transition Year students. Students receive a workbook, badge, and now mask, provided by the European Parliament. Junior Ambassadors organise Europe Day events, for example,
- European music festival / Culture Day for different year groups
- European Breakfast Morning or Food Day (A Celebration of Europe Day, 9th May)
- Debates on a European issues (Climate Crisis, Banning single use plastics, The Pandemic etc.)
We won the Model Council of the EU Debate 2020. Receiving many gifts including a free trip for 24 students and 2 teachers to Strasbourg, France.
Each successful school is awarded an EPAS plaque at the EPAS Awards Day, which we received in 2019 (See above photo).
- Meet your MEP (Discuss Erasmus, free travel for 18-year-olds within the EU)
- EU Quizzes, Euroscola Video Competitions (European Languages, Business, History, Geography etc.)
- Travel abroad and to awards ceremonies, Mock European election, My future Path,
- We E-Twin with other schools in the programme across the EU. An optional activity is to follow the European Parliament on Facebook/Twitter and to post news, blogs etc.
School evaluations are carried out in participating schools. Students in the programme receive a European Parliament Junior Ambassador Certificate.
See attached file with latest news and upcoming events in this programme for 2020/21.
EPAS Newsletter 1.1.docx