Green Schools Committee
Green-Schools is an environmental education programme run by An Taisce and local authorities, designed to promote and acknowledge whole school action for the environment.
Our committee consists of a group of dedicated students and teachers who undertake long term projects on environmental issues such as waste and litter management, energy, water, sustainable transport and biodiversity. On a practical front the Green-Schools programme helps schools to reduce waste and save money on waste charges and it also helps schools to conserve energy and water, therefore saving on utility bills.
After the success of achieving our flag for litter and waste management, this year our Green Schools Committee will be working towards achieving our second Green Flag. The theme we will be focusing on is Energy consumption. Our aim is to reduce energy consumption in our school community and raise awareness towards climate change. We also aim to maintain our litter and waste theme.
Our committee has 4 subgroups, each with different focuses around waste management, energy consumption and composting. We also endeavour to inform and educate the staff and students to make St. Mary`s College a more sustainable and greener school.