St Mary's College

Principal's Welcome

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As a Mercy school, we provide a holistic education within the Catholic tradition. Our vision is to promote a compassionate and just society modelled by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Our College, founded in 1936, is a living memory to the founding Mercy Sisters. As our school has grown and evolved their spirit of care and compassion continues and is at the heart of our school’s ethos. Today, under the trusteeship of CEIST, St. Mary’s College continues to create an inclusive community and ethos that translates into a very special and unique teaching and learning environment based on Gospel values.

Catherine McAuley, foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, worked for and with women to make a difference. We at St. Mary’s College proudly continue this tradition. Our College is a vibrant, caring learning community with a proud tradition of achievement where students are supported, encouraged and challenged in pursuit of the highest standards of achievement and academic excellence. Our positive pastoral and student support system provides an environment where students feel happy, safe and have a sense of belonging. Our students’ wellbeing is at the core of everything that we do. As a Catholic school, we recognise the unique worth of every student in our care. We aim to develop the whole person and support the students to become competent, conscientious and caring young women confident to take on the challenges of life.

We are committed to developing a culture of high expectations. Our students are encouraged and challenged to aim for excellence in everything that they do, whatever that might be; academic excellence, creative and performing arts, sporting and physical activity, service to others or student leadership. Our curricular and cocurricular programmes are rich, diverse and challenging.

By exploring our website, you will witness the wonderful achievements of our students and teachers. You will discover the joy experienced by our students in learning and leadership. St. Mary’s College is a learning community where teachers, staff, parents/guardians and students collaborate to create a community where young women can reach their full potential.

Mark Dowling, Principal

Principal Reports

30 2025
6th Yr Mock Exams
04 2025
3rd Yr Mock Exams
10 2025
Internet Safety Week
10 2025
Cat 4 Testing for all TY students.
10 2025
1st Yr Soccer Vs Loreto Kilkenny - Leinster Q-Final - away
St Mary's College,
Sallins Rd,
Naas West,
Co. Kildare,

045 879 634

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© 2025 St Mary's College